Teaching and Learning

Academic Quality Assurance (AQA) suite of reports is designed to provide transparent and easy-to-compare information on programs and courses for each faculty and school. Information covers topics like program and course demand and sustainability, student performance, retention/attrition, student and graduate satisfaction, and graduate outcomes. All registered UQ Reportal users are able to access these reports.


AQA reports support the annual academic quality assurance process which involves requesting and providing commentary and action plans for programs and courses that raise questions and/or concerns. AQA online response system documents such requests and responses.

If you have any questions about the AQA reports data and structure, please email planning@uq.edu.au. If you have issues accessing the reports, please email pbi-support@uq.edu.au. More information about the AQA process can be accessed on the Institute for Teaching and Learning Innovation (ITaLI) website.

Individual Activity Profile

Commissioned by the P3 Project, the Individual Activity Profile provides a holistic suite of data currently covering some teaching and research activities of individual academic staff. It has been designed to enable individuals to reflect on their recent activity, and to help identify possible future areas of focus. Later releases will include modules that cover service, engagement and collaboration.

The P3 Individual Activity Profile is not intended to be a workload management tool, nor intended to represent the full range of activities that have been allocated to a staff member as part of their appointment within a School/Centre/Institute. Rather, the P3 Individual Activity Profiles are intended to provide data to the academic staff member which represent a summary of their achievements across the broad academic activity categories of Teaching, Research, Service/Engagement specifically for aiding mentoring and development conversations.

For further information, please email p3project@uq.edu.au.

School and Institute Dashboard

The School and Institute Dashboard (SID) provides schools and UQ-level institutes with a comprehensive suite of data on their performance over time. It can be used to

  • measure a school or institute’s contributions towards UQ strategic key performance indicators
  • support school or institute review processes
  • inform ongoing conversations about a school or institute’s performance.

If you have any questions about the School and Institute Dashboard please contact the Planning and Business Intelligence Office: planning@uq.edu.au.


MyBalance - Research Project Accounting Tool

The MyBalance - Research Project Accounting Tool The aim of the MyBalance Research Project Accounting Tool is to provide a consistent, standardised method of reporting key financial information to academics involved in research projects across the University.

For further information, please email Financial Planning and Accounting - FBS.

Finance Function Reporting Dashboard

The Finance Function Reporting Dashboard provides an overview of financial performance and a standardised method of reporting key financial information to stakeholders to complement the Management Reporting Framework.

For further information, please email finance.reporting@uq.edu.au.


The Go8 dashboard presents benchmarking data about member institutions of the GO8 research-intensive Australian universities. This information is based on data held in various Federal Government collections, or provided annually by member universities in the case of the most recent years of data.

Specifically, the GO8 Dashboard presents data on:

  • Student load and load funding drawn from the Federal Government Student collection
  • Staffing levels, functions and classifications and some demographics drawn from the Federal Government Staff collection
  • Research activity, including income, publications, higher degree student load and completions drawn from annual HERDC submissions
  • Financial data on University Revenue sources as submitted to the Federal Government in annual financial statements. Note that the $ per EFTSL data is drawn from data two independent sources and the results should be interpreted with caution
  • Course Experience Questionnaire data by Field of Education, drawn from the Graduate Careers Australia data by ASCED Field code (unadjusted data)

If you have any questions about the Go8 Executive Dashboard please contact the Planning and Business Intelligence Office (x31319) or email planning@uq.edu.au.