The University operates in an increasingly complex internal and external environment, within this context Planning and Business Intelligence (PBI) is a key resource to the University's senior management and broader community. The role of PBI is to provide management information and analysis to support evidence-based decision making.


PBI has five key functions:

1.       Strategic and operational planning

2.       Business intelligence

3.       Federal Government reporting

4.       Student load planning, admissions and program development

5.       Strategic analysis, surveys and dashboards.


The Director of Planning and Business Intelligence is Dr Clare Hourigan (c.hourigan@uq.edu.au +61 7 334 60620).

Dr Hourigan is the Director of Planning and Business Intelligence



Dr Hourigan is responsible for providing strategic analysis and

advice to the Vice-Chancellor, Provost, Chief Operating Officer and

other senior management on matters related to planning, strategy,

institutional performance and government policy. Clare pro-actively

leads PBI to provide a client focussed service to all UQ staff

in a range of areas from federal government reporting, business

intelligence, load modelling, admissions, student satisfaction

and graduate outcomes.

Strategic and operational planning

Key responsibilities include managing the University’s strategic and operational planning and performance monitoring activities:

·         coordinating development of UQ’s strategic plan

·         developing the University’s key performance indicators

·         providing senior management and the University Senate with reports on UQ’s progress against its strategic plan and key performance indicators.




General enquiries: planning@uq.edu.au

Carly Palmer

Associate Director, Strategic Planning, Analysis and Reporting

Elizabeth Saidey

Senior Manager, Strategic and Performance Analysis



Business intelligence

Key responsibilities

·         Management, maintenance and development of the UQ Data Warehouse.

·         Providing data and reports via the UQ Data Warehouse and UQ Reportal.

·         Supporting the University community to access a wide range of data by:  assisting with all UQ Reportal queries, including accessing and modifying standard reports, bespoke reporting, publishing to Unit Reports, BusinessObjects training and data source/UQ Data Warehouse development.




User support: pbi-support@uq.edu.au

John O’Brien

Senior Manager, Client Solutions

Janice Kovacich

BI Analyst

David Holmes

BI User Support Analyst

Natalia Moskwa

BI User Support Analyst

UQ Data warehouse: PBI_DataWarehouseDevelopment@exchange.uq.edu.au

Hayden Gill

Associate Director, Business Intelligence

Ben Howland

Senior Manager, Data Warehouse

Gina Geurgis

Senior Data Warehouse Developer

Ken Gilliland

Senior Data Warehouse Developer

Jane Yang

Senior Data Warehouse Developer

Adelaide Chang-Wever

Data Warehouse Developer

Dan Kidd

Data Warehouse Developer



Federal Government reporting

Key responsibilities

·         Fulfilling the University’s statutory reporting requirements through the preparation and validation of student data for submission to the Australian Government.

·         Providing direction and advice to relevant University staff — particularly faculty administrative and student system support staff — in relation to the requirements and their role in developing Australian Government student data submissions.

·         Monitoring internal student data development and integrity.




General enquiries: pbi.reporting@uq.edu.au

Kathleen McDonnell

Senior Manager, Student Data Integrity & Government Reporting

Jessica Wang

Planning Analyst

Anja Vaisanen

Support and Performance Analyst



Student load planning, admissions and program development

Key responsibilities

·         Undertaking student load planning, preparing student load and income projections and ensuring compliance with the University’s funding agreement and related policies.

·         Managing domestic undergraduate and graduate entry medicine admissions from the perspective of setting and monitoring offer targets within strategic quality objectives .

·         Managing the University’s program development strategy and framework, including the provision of analytics to identify new program opportunities and review and improve existing program offerings.

·         Providing support and guidance for academic units in the development of business cases for new academic programs.




General enquiries: planning@uq.edu.au   or    pbi.programdev@uq.edu.au

Jenny Gill

Associate Director, Load Planning & Program Development

Ms Sylvania Wong

Senior Manager, Load Analysis & Program Development

Julia Jung

Senior Load and Program Analyst



Strategic analysis, surveys and dashboards

Key responsibilities

·         Providing data analytics to support strategic decision making particularly in relation to university admissions and enrolments, the student experience, graduate outcomes and teaching and learning quality.

·         Managing the University’s participation in national student surveys (e.g. the Student Experience Survey and Graduate Outcomes Survey).

·         Development and maintenance of performance dashboards.

·         Managing data submissions to university rankings agencies.

·         Developing the University’s annual Environmental Scan on the higher education sector.




General enquiries: planning@uq.edu.au

Carly Palmer

Associate Director, Strategic Planning, Analysis and Reporting

Elizabeth Saidey

Senior Manager, Strategic and Performance Analysis

Sasha Vaynberg

Senior Planning and Performance Analyst

Laird McColl

Senior Principal Data Analyst

Lequin Wu

Planning Support Analyst