Data Collections

The Business Intelligence team manage the development and provision of a wide range of data collections. These collections are made up of data sourced from key corporate administrative systems (e.g. SI-net, UniFi, Aurion) and external sources (e.g QTAC, Department of Education). In collaboration with data owners, the BI team have developed a large suite of standard reports and provide regular training sessions in order to empower users to be able to access and analyse data. These standard reports all contain a number of filters that allow users to interact with the data, with staff given access to save the reports to their favourite’s folder and customise as required. Staff in roles with an analytical or reporting function can also build their own reports.

Summary information about the types of datasets and reports available through the Reportal is provided below;


Management Reports

A range of standard reports have been developed that allow managers to gain an understanding of their unit’s current financial position. These reports include consolidated income and expenditure statements, forecasts, trends and general summaries. A number of reports are also available for historical financial reporting requirements.

Operational Reports


These reports provide a much lower level of detail to staff in order to complete day to day processes as well as assist in end of month and quarterly reporting requirements.


Access to staff data is restricted and controlled by security that is configured within the corporate HR system. Users reporting on this data who need their existing staff data access updated must first complete a request in Workday via MyRequests for the Aurion Security Role "Data Warehouse Manager". More information regarding Workday and Aurion access and training can be found here.


Federal Government Reporting

Reports are available that outline the staff numbers over the past 5 years according to Government reported definitions.

Management Reporting

A range or reports have been developed that allow managers to analyse staffing profiles, plan for future staffing requirements and understand how their units are currently tracking in terms of a number of indicators.


The University of Queensland has been participating in the UniForum surveys for a number of years and a range of reports have been developed to identify changes in staffing and activity profiles. Reports are available at both the university and school level with the activity profiles reflecting the UniForum Activity Framework.

Operational Reporting

A number of reports are available to assist both supervisors and HR staff to manage appointments. Access to these reports is restricted to the same level of access a user has in Aurion. For changes to the level of access users will need to complete the Aurion access form.


Federal Government Reporting

There are a number of reports available that show the official student numbers over the past 5 years. These reports provide statistics from a University wide summary level to an individual program level. Available both as headcount and EFTSL figures, these reports have been designed to match government reporting.

Operational Reporting

In order to assist student administrators, a range of reports have been developed using Student Current data which reflects what was recorded in SI-net as of midnight the day before. These reports allow staff to track ‘live’ enrolment data down to the course level as well as graduation, examination and exchange applications.


Domestic undergraduate admissions are coordinated through the Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre (QTAC). Reports that track changes over time in both preference trends as well as offer and enrolment trends are available for approved users. A range of reports specifically designed around school leaver applicants are also available to assist marketing staff. Reports on international applications and offers can be found here.

Student Surveys

The Social Research Centre, as commissioned by the Government, coordinates a number of national surveys with the results published on the QILT website. Whilst internally UQ also conducts regular course experience surveys and on off surveys for specific projects such as the UQ Student Strategy.

  • Graduate Outcomes: This survey invites graduates to provide information on their activities 4 months after completion of their studies. The survey focuses on full-time employment, full-time study and median salary. This survey replaces the Australian Graduate Survey.
  • Student Experience: This survey collects information from first and last year students about their experiences across six indicators in order to improve teaching and learning outcomes.
  • Student Evaluations of Course and Teaching (SECaT)
  • UQ Student Strategy



The ARC is responsible for running the Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) evaluations. These evaluations provide a comprehensive range of ratings for Australian universities against national and international benchmarks. These evaluations are run on alternate years and reports are available that outline UQ’s performance across the following years;


Each year the Research Office submits a range of data to the Higher Education Research Data Collection (HERDC) and reports are available internally to analyse the officially submitted data. Operational reports are also available to assist staff in tidying data in preparation for the HERDC submissions.


A number of reports are available using the Research Income data stored in Research Master. The official research reports provide information on the income reported through the HEDRC submission, whilst the project reports assist staff to manage and report on their research grant finances.

RHD Students

Student load and completion trend reports are available to provide information at the University, faculty and school levels as well as comparisons with other Australian universities.

School Review

To assist school administrators in preparing documentation as part of the school review process. A range of reports have been developed to address each term of reference. These reports can be found here.